If you don't have an internal newsletter dedicated to workplace wellness, productivity, stress management,
and your own news, chances are you want one but can't count on anyone in your office keeping up with it.
Well, right now, this minute, I am happy to give you the solution. You can use it, edit, rename it, and experiment all you want ---
here. I will even give you 30 free articles if the only problem you experience is coming up with content ideas.
There is no cost or obligation. I simply want you to experience the relief from this one of a kind product and service.
Don't feel bad or frustrated about not getting a newsletter done on time. This is every company's problem that tries it on their own.
Newsletters created in-house are impossible to maintain if employees assigned to them have other duties. It is practically a law of nature.
The newsletter chore is simply too tedious and relentless. The process eventually exhausts itself with procrastination, missed issues, and collapse of the newsletter.
Since 2001, FrontLine Employee as been the solution for thousands of companies. In fact, it is so preferred that the State of Washington has used it for 18 years. Ditto a dozen U.S. Army installations along with small and medium size employers like the City of Alpharetta, Georgia.
Universities, health systems, HR Solutions companies use FrontLine Employee. Even the U.S. Social Security Administration has used FrontLine Employee for the past 15 years. Three million employees worldwide now read it monthly.
Subscribers include every type of employer imaginable--from oil companies in Trinidad & Tobago to small industrial companies in California.
FrontLine Employee is the world's first reproducible, editable, and completely re-nameable wellness newsletter (or content service for those who only use its articles.) It is ready to use the moment it arrives in your e-mail, always a week early before the month of issue.
It is never late and it is adaptable to any need--human resources, employee assistance promotion, wellness and productivity education, enhancing a benefits program, distribution via employer associations, and more.